Jaime and Steve's Plans

Matron of Honor (sorry Jenn)

Jenn has been my best friend since I was five years old. I am excited to have her as my matron of honor. 


Sarah is  my little sister.  She is the youngest of the four of us.  I am so excited she agreed to be a bridesmaid in my wedding.


Phoebe  has been one of my closest friends for the past 16 years.  We met on the high school ski team.  I followed her to college (as she was a year a head of me).  I'm so happy to have her standing with me on my wedding day.


My Cousin Caty is also a bridesmaid.  She is the older sister of Kelsey.  I will post a picture of her if she ever sends me one.


My cousin Kelsey has agreed to be a bridesmaid. She is really excited to be in the wedding and I'm so happy she agreed.

Junior Bridesmaid

Steven promised Jacque when she was five years old that when we got married she could be our flower girl.  She never forgot that he told her this, the only problem is when he finally asked me to marry him she was 12 years old. By our wedding she is going to be 13 a little old for a flower girl so instead she is our junior bridesmaid and will be the youngest person at our wedding. 

I met Jacque before I actually met her mom.  I worked at a daycare that she and her brother both attended.  Jacque was two  years old and Danny was five years old.  I soon became great friends with their mom Kym.  And eventually quit the daycare and worked with Kym in a middle school in WA state.  They now live in MA.

I am so happy that Jacque will be old enough to remember the wedding now. 

Best Man

Steven asked Jonny to be his best man.   They grew up together in Old Orchard. 


Ted and Steven go way back.  They went through school together and continued being friends as adults! This is a picture of Ted with his beautiful girlfriend Laura.  Of course Laura isn't a groomsman.


Steven finally asked Prosser on New Years Eve to be in our wedding.  Of course Chris agreed right away.  Steve and Chris have been friends since elementary school.


My brother Adam. I always wanted my brother and sister in my wedding.  I am happy Adam agreed.  I think I need to find a better picture.  The sun was really blinding. 


We are having one more groomsman but Steven hasn't had a chance to ask him yet.  He wants to do it in person.  Hopefully he agrees.